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Recreation Committee Minutes 2011/02/15
Rec feb 15
6:37pm called to order by Paul Skarin
Present. Betsy Katz, Amy Holobowicz, Craig Heino, Leon Davy, Scott Blewitt, Jon Reed
Gift receiving policy - Scott followed up with Donna and like concom we should not have a gift policy as we are covered under select mans policy up to $1000 without a meeting. 1-5k we need to go to selectman, over $5k we need to have a public meeting
We could go go through project Sunapee if we needed to
When we sell an item, any dollar amount, we need to go to selectman for approval
Deliberative session - went well. Scott will touch base with Katie Richardson for an article in Intertown Record for some PR on the project.
Amy brought up publishing our wish list.~~
Movie night - Patricia will coordinate with Gary Summerton and Rhonda Gurney.~ Both are interested in putting one on over February vacation.
Ski day set up for Friday march 4 of vacation.~~Scott will publicize via email and they will have to contact Amy who will coordinate the tickets
Closet at SMHS is done, keys were given to Scott who gave one to Jon
Basketball is wrapping up.~~Brackets will be produced in the next couple days.~~Tournament in Kearsarge.~~Claremont tournament was well received.~~
Scott and Craig got approval from zoning for Dewey bathroom. Craig sent application to shoreline protection and they have 30 days to respond.~~
Skating rink is going very well. ~
$2000 has been taken from Rec and given to Sunapee Seniors.~~Seniors will manage these funds and their trips
Next meeting will be second tuesday of March 8 @ 6:30pm.
Meeting adjourned 7:18pm
Motion by Paul, second by Amy